if so... 意味
and so: そこで、それだから、それで
and so ...: and so ... それ故に それゆえに
and so on: and so on 云々 云云 うんぬん 等々 等等 とうとう
as , so: às A, sò B Aと同様にB;Aと同時にB《◆A,Bは節》 Just as British people enjoy their beer, so the Japanese enjoy their sake. イギリス人がビールをたしなむように日本人は酒をたしなむ《◆justで比較を強調》 As the wind blew harder, so did the trees
be it so: (あきらめて)それならそれでよい
if it be so: if it be so 然らば しからば
if not so: if not so 然らずんば しからずんば 然も無いと 然もないと さもないと
if so: if so 然らば しからば もしそうなら
if so be: もし~ならば
is it so: is it so ねえ
is that so: Is thát so? (1) そうですか. (2) [thatに強勢を置いて] まさか.
not so: not so 然に非ず さにあらず 然程 さほど
or so: or so そこそこ
so: so 如是 にょぜ 然様 さよう あんな 此れ程 これほど 善し よし だから こんなに では 其処で そこで そう 其れ故 それゆえ
so as not to: ~するといけないから
- "if so"の英語
- "if so be"の英語
- "if so, all these fine theories go by the board"の英語
- "if so, we may safely put him down as a person with a small mind"の英語
- "if so, you may hurt your reputation as a trustworthy professional"の英語
- "if somebody acts in an obnoxious manner during your class, miss boyle, bring the culprit to my office"の英語
- "if somebody had said that i'd one day be a millionaire, i'd have thought they were totally insane"の英語
- "if someone can"の英語
- "if someone can financially do it"の英語
- "if so, we may safely put him down as a person with a small mind"の英語
- "if so, you may hurt your reputation as a trustworthy professional"の英語
- "if somebody acts in an obnoxious manner during your class, miss boyle, bring the culprit to my office"の英語
- "if somebody had said that i'd one day be a millionaire, i'd have thought they were totally insane"の英語